parenthesis,parenthetical citation例子

parenthesis,parenthetical citation例子


顺叙的英语是narration,倒叙的英语是flashback,插叙的英语是narration interposed。




The online video featured a Chinese model struggling to eat Italian foods using chopsticks, topped with sexual ised innuendos. The narrator is asks: is it still too big for you around an oversized cannolo?


视频有明显物化女性的倾向,而且主题上就是故意辱华,女生不仅按照旁白进行操作,而且旁白还带有明显的性暗示( Sexual ised innuendo)以及傲慢的认为西方的文化优越于中国文化。


Merriam-Webster的英语词典中是这么解释 Innuendo的:

1. an oblique allusion: especially a veild or equivocal reflection on character or reputation.

2. A parenthetical explanation introduced into the text of a legal document

下面一段就是摘抄自Cornell law school, legal Information institution.


Innuendo means an indirect hint, it is derived from the Latin word innuere, Which means to nod forword.

Innuendo is used in lawsuits for defamation( Libel and slande这两个单词分别是书面诽谤和口头诽谤).

It shows that the plaintiff had had statements made about them and that the statements were in fact defamatory.

在这里我们很显然就学到了一个诽谤系列的几个法律英语单词:Defamation, defamatory, libel, slander.

In other words, innuendo is the plaintiffs explanation of a statements defamatory meaning when that mean ing is not apparent from the statements face, but which would be understood by those reading/hearing is based on special knowledge.

在一个South Carolina的案件中,有这么一段解释,“innuendo is extrinsic evidence used to prove a statement's defamatory nature that includes the aid of inducements(给表示诱因,犯罪动机,法律、诉状的引言,在诽谤之诉中,尤指原告声称外在事实使得某一表面上不具毁坏名誉之嫌的陈述,有了毁誉之意), colloquialism(这个单词的意思是口头的、口语的、白话,但是话说这个单词看上去这么复杂,一点都不白话,想起来中文的白话这个词也一点都不口语……) and explanatory circumstances”.

Similarly, the case from Colorado explains that the purpose of innuendo in the pleading is to explain the defendant's meaning in language employed and also to show how it relates to the plaintiff when that is not clear on its face.


这个词尤其在 defamation场景中用的比较多。



The report was based on rumors, speculation and innuendo.


Attack by innuendo能敲侧击,含沙射影。


LexisNexis Law English-Chinese Dictionary

Innuendo影射An imputation which is impliedly, rather than expressly, defamatory of another. When words innocent on their face become defamatory if connected with other facts: Tolley v J S Fry & Son Ltd [1931] AC 333 (HL). A false innuendo occurs where the words used have a double meaning and it is alleged that the secondary defamatory meaning was in fact intended to be conveyed: Next Magazine Publishing Ltd & Ors v Oriental Daily Publisher Ltd [2000] 2 HKC 557 (CFA); Equal Opportunities Commission v Apple Daily Ltd [1999] 1 HKC 202 (CA). The plaintiff must give particulars of the facts and matters on which he relies in support of the defamatory sense other than their ordinary meaning: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 82 r 3(1); Ming Kee Manufactory Ltd v Man Shing Electrical Manufactory Ltd [1992] 1 HKC 442, 2 HKLR 357 (HC). See also Context; Defamation; True innuendo. 對另一人作出的有隱含(而非明示)誹謗性的指責。表面上無意作出的言詞如與其他事實有關連,則該等言詞會帶誹謗性:Tolley v J S Fry & Son Ltd [1931] AC 333(上議院)。凡使用的言詞有雙重意義,並且聲稱被實際意圖傳送的意義應為次要意義,即有虛假的「影射」產生:Next Magazine Publishing Ltd & Ors v Oriental Daily Publisher Ltd [2000] 2 HKC 557(終審法院);Equal Opportunities Commission v Apple Daily Ltd [1999] 1 HKC 202(上訴法院)。原告人必須提供其所倚據的支持一般涵義以外的誹謗意思的事實及事宜的詳情:《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第82號命令第3(1)條規則;Ming Kee Manufactory Ltd v Man Shing Electrical Manufactory Ltd [1992] 1 HKC 442, 2 HKLR 357(高等法院)。另見 Context; Defamation; True innuendo。

n.元照英美法词典innuendon.(1)影射;暗讽 通常指对他人带有贬损或诽谤性的、间接的、隐晦的言词。 

(2)(法律文件中的)附带说明;插入解释 指诉状等法律文件中插入正文的解释性词句或段落。在刑法上,常指公诉书中对前面讲到过的事项的含义予以解释的陈述部分,如果不作此解释,其含义将会不清楚。在有关诽谤的法律中,插入解释指原告在起诉状中对所指称的诽谤性言论的含义所作的解释,一般在从该言论的表面并不能看出其诽谤性质的情况下使用,通过插入解释来揭示其隐含的意思。 

(3)〈拉〉即;就是;意指 该词原为拉丁语。在古代,普通法上的诉状是以拉丁语写成的,该词被用来引出解释性的插入语。后来诉状改为以英文写成,该拉丁语仍时常被使用,如被告称:「他(即原告)是贼。」〔The defendant Stated:「He(innuendo the plaintiff)is a thief.」〕再后来的诉状中,该词也被转译成了英语,如「He (meaning the plaintiff)…」。





parenthetical 英 [,pær(ə)n'θetɪk(ə)l] 美 [,pærən'θɛtɪkl]adj. 插句的;附加说明的;放在括号里的 You can also specify an object to lock


